Booking procedure / 预订流程:
After we arrange all services and send you booking confirmation via our only official email, please make payment 50% of total tour fee to deposit.
在我们安排好所有服务并通过我们唯一的官方电子邮箱 向您发送旅游行程确认书后,请支付总旅游费用的50%作为定金。
How to make payment / 付款方式:
You can make payment online by our 9Pay link with your cards (3% bank fee) or transfer SGD, RM, IDR, PHP domestically to our below bank details:
您可以通过我们的 OnePay 链接使用您的信用卡在线付款(要加支付3% 银行费用)或直接转款至我们的以下新加坡、马来西亚、印尼或菲律宾当地银行账号:
* Singapore Dollar account /新加坡元账号:
Bank / 银行名称 : PayNow
Number / 银行账号: +6582205827
Recipient/收款人: Maya
* Malaysian Ringgit account / 马来西亚马币账号:
Bank / 银行名称: Maybank
Bank account / 银行账号:507040637506
Recipient Reference/Note: Write your name only.
* Indonesian Rupiah/ 印度尼西亚盾的银行账号:
Bank / 银行名称: Bca
Number / 银行账号: 4971172929
Recipient/收款人: Ngo Bich Phuong
* Philippine Peso/ 菲律宾比索的银行账号:
Bank / 银行名称: RCBC
Number / 银行账号: 0000007591334837
Recipient/收款人: Kimmi Store Incorporated
Note: All tour rate is in USD. If you make payment in other currency, USD exchange rate is based on online exchange rate at the time of each payment.
Cancellation policy / 取消条款:
Note: Any change of travel date is considered as cancellation.
* For group of 1- 10 persons / 拥有1~10个人的旅游团:
If cancellation is made 14 days prior to travel date, 0% of total fee will be charged.
If cancellation is made 7-14 days prior to travel date, 30% of total fee will be charged.
If cancellation is made 0-7 days prior to travel date, 50% of total fee will be charged.
* For group of 11-20 persons/ 拥有11~20个人的旅游团:
If cancellation is made 21 days prior to travel date, 0% of total fee will be charged.
If cancellation is made 10-21 days prior to travel date, 30% of total fee will be charged.
If cancellation is made 0-10 days prior to travel date, 50% of total fee will be charged.
* For group of 21 persons or above/ 拥有从21个人起的旅游团:
If cancellation is made 30 days prior to travel date, 0% of total fee will be charged.
If cancellation is made 15-30 days prior to travel date, 30% of total fee will be charged.
If cancellation is made 0-15 days prior to travel date, 50% of total fee will be charged.