Danang weather in January
Danang weather in January

Danang is the third biggest city in Central Vietnam. This city has two different season : the rainy season and the dry season. Let’s take a look here on the weather of Danang in January.

January is one of the “coldest” months with average temperature between 19 and 24 degree Celsius.

In Janury, the number of rainy is decreasing because it is the end of rainy season. The average number of rainy days is around 10 days during this month. Which is the half of the rainy days during December.

So, January is good time for visiting Danang with dry and cooler weather.

However, temperature of water which drops to its lowest level of the year at 22 degree Celsius makes January not a good time to swim and join in other water sports in this coastal city. There can be often big waves at the beach which makes it more difficult to swim.

This month is a good period to visit Ba Na Hills because most of the attractions will be not crowded. You will also have the chance to discover Ba Na Hills during the winter with an average temperature between 10 and 15°C.

If you travel to Danang during this period, tourits will discover the Têt festival. People rush for Têt shopping, and main streets are lit up and decorated with colorful flowers and flags these days.

Besides, visiting Danang or any other big cities in Vietnam at the end of January; tourists have a chance to appreciate colorful firework displays on the Tet Eve.

Note that during Têt Holidays, it is much more difficult to travel to Danang because most of the services are more expensive.

January is an intermediate month between rainy and dry season, January is somtimes rainy month. February is better time to visit Danang with warmer and drier weather.


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