Discover the enchanting allure of Ninh Binh with our meticulously crafted Ninh Binh 2 days itinerary! Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Vietnam‘s hidden gem, where limestone peaks tower over lush green paddies and serene rivers. From the ancient capital of Hoa Lu to the mystical Trang An Grottoes, our journey promises unforgettable adventures and captivating experiences.

Ninh Binh 2 days itinerary 1

Glide through the stunning Tam Coc caves, explore the awe-inspiring Bai Dinh Pagoda, and lose yourself in the tranquility of Cuc Phuong National Park. Join us as we unveil the magic of Ninh Binh, guiding you through the must-see sights and hidden treasures that will make your trip truly unforgettable. Dive into our article and let the adventure begin!

Where is located Ninh Binh ?

Ninh Binh, located in northern Vietnam, is a picturesque province about 90 kilometers south of Hanoi. Often referred to as the “Ha Long Bay on land,” it boasts stunning landscapes of limestone karsts rising from emerald green rice paddies and winding rivers. Visitors can explore the ancient capital of Hoa Lu, take a boat ride through the mesmerizing Trang An Grottoes, and marvel at the beauty of Tam Coc’s caves and pagodas. The area is also home to the majestic Bai Dinh Pagoda, Vietnam‘s largest Buddhist complex, and the serene Cuc Phuong National Park, where nature enthusiasts can hike through dense forests and spot diverse wildlife. Ninh Binh offers a captivating mix of natural wonders, historical sites, and cultural experiences that make it a must-visit destination.

Ninh Binh 2 Days itinerary

Day 1: Exploring Ancient Capitals and Scenic Wonders


Arrive in Ninh Binh early in the morning to maximize your adventure time. Check into your cozy hotel and get ready for an exciting day ahead.

Kick off your journey with a visit to Hoa Lu, the ancient capital of Vietnam. Wander through the historic temples dedicated to Emperor Dinh Tien Hoang and Emperor Le Dai Hanh, set against lush, green mountains. Feel the history come alive as you explore the remnants of this once-thriving capital.

Hoa Lu ancient citadel ninh binh 2 days itinerary

For lunch, savor a hearty lunch at a local restaurant. Don’t miss trying the regional specialty, goat meat, prepared in various delectable ways. Let the flavors tantalize your taste buds as you prepare for the afternoon’s adventures.

In the afternoon, head to Trang An, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Hop on a traditional sampan boat and glide through a labyrinth of rivers, caves, and lush valleys. The serene scenery and mystical caves will leave you spellbound. Keep your camera ready for stunning photo opportunities.


Visit Bai Dinh Pagoda, the largest Buddhist complex in Vietnam. Wander through the massive complex, marvel at the giant Buddha statues, and soak in the tranquil atmosphere. Don’t forget to ring the giant bronze bell for good luck.

Trang An Hoa Lu ancient citadel ninh binh 2 days itinerary

Day 2: Nature and Cultural Immersion

After a hearty breakfast, make your way to Tam Coc, often referred to as “Ha Long Bay on land.” Embark on a serene boat ride along the Ngo Dong River, passing through three stunning limestone caves. The picturesque landscape of rice paddies and karsts will leave you in awe.

Visit Bich Dong Pagoda, a series of ancient pagodas nestled into a mountainside. Climb the stone steps to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The blend of natural beauty and ancient architecture is truly captivating.

Bich Dong ninh binh 2 days itinerary

Lunch at local restaurant.

Spend your afternoon exploring Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam’s oldest national park. Hike through dense forests, visit the Endangered Primate Rescue Center, and marvel at the thousand-year-old tree. The park’s rich biodiversity will delight nature enthusiasts.

Cap off your day with a visit to Mua Cave. Climb the 500 steps to the summit for a breathtaking panoramic view of Tam Coc and the surrounding area. The view is especially stunning during sunset, offering a perfect end to your adventure.

This detailed Ninh Binh 2 days itinerary ensures you experience the natural beauty, historical richness, and cultural depth of Ninh Binh, making your trip truly memorable.

Mua cave Ninh Binh 2 days itinerary

When to Visit Ninh Binh: The Perfect Times for Your Adventure

If you’re planning a trip to Ninh Binh, timing can make all the difference in your experience. Here are the best periods to visit this enchanting destination:

Springtime Magic (Late February to April)

Spring in Ninh Binh is simply delightful. Picture yourself exploring this stunning landscape with temperatures hovering between 18°C to 25°C (64°F to 77°F). The air is fresh, the skies are clear, and everywhere you look, vibrant green fields and blooming flowers greet you.

Imagine gliding along the rivers of Tam Coc, with the sun shining gently overhead, illuminating the lush scenery around you. The cool breeze whispers through the limestone karsts, making your boat ride through Trang An Grottoes a dreamlike experience. This season is perfect for hiking through Cuc Phuong National Park or visiting ancient temples in Hoa Lu, all without breaking a sweat.

Autumn Splendor (September to Early November)

Autumn is another fantastic time to visit Ninh Binh. With temperatures ranging from 20°C to 28°C (68°F to 82°F), the weather is comfortably warm but not too hot. Plus, it’s the dry season, so you can expect clear skies and minimal rain.

This is when the rice fields turn a glorious golden hue as harvest time approaches. Picture yourself cycling through the countryside, surrounded by shimmering golden paddies, or climbing Mua Cave for a panoramic view of this golden sea. The pleasant climate and breathtaking landscapes make autumn a photographer’s paradise and a nature lover’s haven.

Why Not Summer or Winter?

Summer (May to August) can be quite hot and humid, with temperatures often soaring above 30°C (86°F). While the scenery remains beautiful, the heat can be intense, and you might encounter heavy, sudden rains. If you don’t mind the heat, it’s still doable, but spring and autumn offer a more comfortable experience.

Winter (December to February) brings cooler temperatures, typically between 10°C to 17°C (50°F to 63°F). While this isn’t extreme cold, the misty and chilly weather might make some outdoor activities less enjoyable. However, if you prefer a quieter experience with fewer tourists, winter could be your season.

By choosing to visit Ninh Binh in spring or autumn, you’ll enjoy the region’s natural beauty at its finest, with comfortable weather and stunning landscapes that will make your trip unforgettable. Whether it’s the vibrant greens of spring or the golden glow of autumn, Ninh Binh is ready to enchant you.

To conclude

Booking a 2-day, 1-night tour with Jacky Travel to explore Ninh Binh is the perfect way to immerse yourself in the region’s breathtaking beauty and rich history with ease and expertise. Jacky Travel‘s carefully curated itinerary ensures you experience the best of Ninh Binh, from the ancient temples of Hoa Lu to the serene boat rides through Trang An and Tam Coc. Their knowledgeable guides provide fascinating insights and a local touch, enhancing your journey through stunning landscapes and cultural landmarks. With comfortable accommodations, delicious local meals, and seamless logistics, Jacky Travel takes the stress out of planning, allowing you to fully enjoy and remember every moment of your Ninh Binh adventure.

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, a city of around 8 million inhabitants. Some people love it because it is a city full of history with many picturesque little streets, other people hate it for its chaotic traffic and its level of noise and air pollution. Anyway, most people visit this city during the day however, we challenged ourselves to visit Hanoi by night.

Why visit Hanoi by night?

Visiting Hanoi by night can be a wise idea in summer when the thermometer reaches scorching temperatures. It then becomes very difficult to wander through the small streets of the old quarter in the middle of the afternoon. Likewise, these alleys are often empty because the Vietnamese prefer to take a nap when the heat is not bearable.

Thus, from 5 p.m., local life resumes in the old quarter of Hanoi. We can then observe all kinds of scenes of life such as parents who go to pick up their children from school on scooters or even small restaurants which are full of people for a snack or a light dinner.

Hanoi by night 1

Later in the evening, the streets of Hanoi by night are quieter and people are more relaxed. It is then much more pleasant to visit the city. Also, you can take advantage of the lighting of the different monuments to take very beautiful photos.

What to see in Hanoi by night?

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

It is at 9 p.m. each evening that the flag lowering ceremony takes place. To see this ceremony, you must arrive at the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum square a little earlier to have time to pass through the security gates. You can enter the main square for free.

Hanoi by night 2

Shortly before 9 p.m., soldiers asked the crowd to stand on the grass. Then the music starts and a group of soldiers in white costumes arrive to lower the flag. This ceremony lasts only about fifteen minutes and allows you to appreciate the importance of the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Vietnamese culture.

The train street

In the evening, the train street is very beautiful with all its lights, its lanterns and its little cafes along the railway tracks. It’s the ideal place for a snack or a coffee even if the quality of the food and drinks is quite average. Don’t expect to be dazzled by the restaurants on train street.

Hanoi train street 5

A few trains may pass throughout the evening if you’re lucky. But there is only one train that you will be sure of and certain of its departure, and that is the 10 p.m. train to Sapa. Every evening, this train will pass through Train Street a few minutes after leaving Hanoi Central Station.

Hoan Kiem Lake Tour

Only during the weekend, the Hoan Kiem Lake tour is closed to car traffic. You can then stroll freely on the main street and attend different music shows, clowns, magicians… You can also visit the Hanoi night market.

Hanoi night market

Long Bien market

From 8 p.m., many trucks park below the Long Bien bridge to collect their precious goods. Indeed, under this bridge, a huge wholesale market comes to life every night from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.

Long bien night market

We can then observe piles of watermelons, mangoes and other vegetables. Many workers carry goods on their carts and push them at arm’s length. It’s a veritable anthill equivalent to the Rungis market (but more rustic).

We didn’t see any tourists at this market and it’s true that they are sometimes poorly received by the locals here. The Vietnamese are there to sell and buy. They have to move quickly and get the trucks on the roads.

To get there, cross the ring road at the Long Bien bus station. It is there, on the banks of the red river, that the hangars are located.

Tay Ho Flower Market

Here is a fairly atypical and unique market which also comes to life at night. The Hanoi flower market is also a wholesale market but can be visited without any problem. Many couples walk there to buy flowers.

It is possible to discover a large quantity of varieties of flowers there. In June, it is the season of lotus flowers which are found in abundance. With the arrival of Tet (lunar new year), the market experiences its highest peak of activity.

hanoi flower market

To go to the Tay Ho flower market, you have to reach the Tay Ho (West Lake) district by the ring road and you will find the market at 236 Au Co, Tay Ho, Hanoi.

Here is one of the particularities of the city of Hanoi in Vietnam: The train street. A street where the train passes every day and brushes past homes. The train street has gradually become very famous in Vietnam and many tourists now come to see the passing train while drinking Vietnamese coffee.

Where to find the train street?

Generally speaking, the train street crosses the capital from Hanoi Central Station to the Long Bien Bridge (former Paul Doumer Bridge). The train crosses many roads and there are no residents living along the entire street.

Hanoi train street 1

Indeed, the inhabitants who have decorated their houses with lanterns and offering coffees are located in a very particular segment of the rue du train. It is after a passage and at a bend near Tran Phu street that you can access this extremely photogenic spot which can feed your Instagram account.

To access TRAIN STREET: 74A, đường tàu, Trần Phú, Cửa Đông, Hoàn Kiếm, Hanoi

When does the train come?

The train crosses this street twice a day, at specific times, and local residents are well aware of its passage. It is important to note that trains pass at a relatively slow speed, allowing residents to organize themselves and take safety precautions.

When the train approaches, residents often move their belongings and move out of the way of the train. This has created a unique scene where visitors can closely observe the daily lives of local residents and how they interact with the regular passage of the train.

Hanoi train street 2

However, it is important to respect residents’ privacy and be sensitive when visiting this location. Caution is also required due to the proximity of the train. You can take advantage of this unique experience to discover an authentic side of urban life in Hanoi.

How to get on the train street in 2024?

There are several entrances to enter this famous railway bend. The first entry point is at the level crossing. There, you will see a guard who will block your way with a large sign warning of the dangerousness of the street. However, it is possible to bypass this guard provided you are accompanied by a resident of the street who will take you to their café so that you can have something there.

Hanoi train street 3

The second entry point is not far from there up the train street towards Long Bien station. As you walk along the street, you will see a first staircase with a guard. This is where you can go up accompanied by a resident to have a coffee. It is at this entry point that you can go to the cafes which have the best view of the street.

The third entry point is a little further on. Once again, a staircase will allow you to access the street. However, we do not recommend this entry as the cafes do not have the best view. Indeed, on this side of the street, there are houses on only one side of the street and the other side is open to the road which makes the experience less impressive.

Hanoi train street 5


Also, it is in the evening that the street is most beautiful with many lanterns and lights. You will definitely appreciate the atmosphere of the street while waiting for the 10 p.m. train to pass which heads towards the northern mountains: Lao Cai and then to Sapa.

Finally, it is possible that, if there are a lot of people on the street taking photos or videos as the train passes, the police will intervene to evacuate the street. You will then also have to leave the café in which you will be seated. This is a way to make the most of the train street which has become a “tourist trap” attraction.

Why do people live on the train street?

Historically, the railway was built by the French at the beginning of the 20th century. A large number of Vietnamese workers participated in the construction site. It was then that, to thank them for their dedication, the government offered them a small piece of land next to the railway line. The new owners of this land then took the opportunity to build small, modest houses there. People who live on this street will tell you that they are not bothered by the noise of the train. In all cases, the development of tourism in this street thanks to social networks has allowed them to develop a rather lucrative business.

Are you planning to spend 2 days and 1 night in Sapa ? If you are looking for the most suitable Sapa 2 days itinerary ? Then, you are on the right page to find the answer to all your questions.

Sapa town

First of all, Sapa is located in the North part of Vietnam at around 300km from Hanoï. It takes around 6 hours to reach Sapa by bus (most of the people take the sleeping bus) from Hanoï. It is also possible to reach Sapa by train but it takes 8 hours to reach Lao Cai train station and then one more hour to reach Sapa town.

sapa 2 days trekking

Sapa is very nice place to visit during the summer because it is located in the mountainous area, you should check when is the most suitable time to go there. Indeed, in the winter, there is no ricecrops in the ricefields and it can be very cold. You can check out the best time to visit Sapa by following this link : Best time to visit Sapa

Sapa is a montainous area which is famous for its terrace ricefields and to see the highest mountain of Vietnam : The Fansipan mountain. This is why Sapa is a good place for trekking and enjoy the fresh air of Northern Vietnam.

Are 2 days in Sapa enough?

Two days are not enough to see everything but it is enough to enjoy some places which are interesting for you.

Two days in Sapa can provide you with a good taste of the area, but whether it’s “enough” depends on what you want to accomplish during your visit. Sapa, in northern Vietnam, offers stunning landscapes, trekking opportunities, cultural experiences with ethnic minority groups, and more.

Sapa 2 days itinerary for trekking lovers

Day 1: Arrival and Exploration

Spend your first day exploring Sapa Town itself. Visit local markets, such as the Sapa Market and Love Market, where you can interact with ethnic minority groups and buy local crafts. Take a leisurely walk around the town, exploring its French colonial architecture and enjoying local cuisine. If you have time and energy, you could also visit nearby attractions like Ham Rong Mountain for panoramic views.

sapa 2 days itinerary

Day 2: Trekking Adventure

Use your second day, of this Sapa 2 days itinerary, to venture into the surrounding countryside. There are numerous trekking routes of varying lengths and difficulties that take you through picturesque rice terraces, bamboo forests, and traditional villages. Popular trekking destinations include Cat Cat Village, Y Linh Ho Village, and Lao Chai Village. You can opt for a guided trek or explore independently, depending on your preferences and experience.

Sapa 2 days itinerary


While two days will allow you to experience some of the highlights of Sapa, if you have more time, you could extend your stay to explore further afield or to relax and soak in the natural beauty of the area. Additionally, Sapa’s weather can be unpredictable, so it’s always a good idea to check the forecast and plan accordingly, especially if you’re hoping to trek or engage in outdoor activities.

The other most popular attraction in Sapa is the Fansipan peak. Fansipan, often referred to as the “Roof of Indochina,” is the highest peak in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, standing at 3,147.3 meters (10,326 feet) above sea level. There are several ways to reach the summit, each catering to different preferences and fitness levels:

From Tram Ton Pass

Typically 2 days and 1 night, though some experienced trekkers can complete it in one day. This is the most popular and accessible route, starting from Tram Ton Pass (also known as Heaven’s Gate), about 15 kilometers from Sa Pa town. This trek offers a mix of dense forest, bamboo groves, and breathtaking views. You’ll stay overnight in camps along the way.

From Sin Chai Village

The trekking duration is around 2 to 3 days and the way is harder. This route starts from Sin Chai Village and is less traveled compared to the Tram Ton Pass route, offering a more secluded experience. More challenging with steeper paths and less infrastructure.

Cable Car

I takes about 15-20 minutes to reach the Fansipan Station, plus a further 600-step climb to the summit. The cable car station is in Muong Hoa Valley, about 3 kilometers from Sa Pa town. This is the easiest and most comfortable way to reach the peak, suitable for all ages and fitness levels. The cable car offers stunning panoramic views of the Hoang Lien Son range.

Sapa Fansipan by cable car

Sapa is also a good place to chill in a resort like : Topas Ecolodge. With its stunning view, comfortable bungalow and infinity swimming pool, you will surely enjoy your stay in Sapa. Note that the ecolodge is a bit far from the city and you should visit Sapa town before or after your stay at the Ecolodge.

sapa 2 days

In summary, a stay of 2-3 days is a common recommendation for most visitors to Sapa, but you can adjust based on your preferences and the activities you want to pursue. It’s always a good idea to check current travel conditions and weather forecasts before planning your trip.

We hope you enjoyed your stay in Sapa !

To book a tour for Sapa, please contact us by WhatsApp : +84.947.891.345

You are looking to visit Hanoi and you would like to see the famous Hanoi Water Puppet Show, you are on the right page to learn more about this unmissing vietnamese show. Here, we will give you tips about where to see the water puppet show, what is the schedule and entrance ticket price.

Where to see the Hanoi Water Puppet Show ?

The Hanoi Water Puppet Show is a unique and traditional Vietnamese art form that you can experience in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. The most popular venue to watch the water puppet show in Hanoi is the Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre, located at 57B Dinh Tien Hoang Street, near Hoan Kiem Lake. It’s advisable to book tickets in advance as the shows can get quite busy, especially during peak tourist seasons. Enjoy the colorful and mesmerizing performance!

Water puppet show hanoi 4

What is the schedule of Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre ?

The schedule for the Hanoi Water Puppet Show at the Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre may vary depending on the season and demand. Typically, there are multiple shows throughout the day, with performances usually starting in the late morning and continuing into the evening. It’s best to check the official website of the Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on showtimes and ticket availability.

Each show typically lasts around 50 minutes. Hanoi water puppet shows start at 3:30 pm – 5 pm – 6:30 pm – 8 pm – 9:15 pm daily and Sunday at 9:30 am.

What is the price of the Hanoi Water Puppet Show ?

The price of the Hanoi Water Puppet Show at the Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre can vary depending on factors such as seating location, time of day, and whether you purchase tickets directly at the theater or through a tour agency. As of my last update, ticket prices typically ranged from around 100,000 VND to 200,000 VND for adults (approximately $6 to $8 USD), with discounted prices available for children.

  • Standard tickets: 150,000 VND (~6.14 USD)
  • VIP tickets: 200,000 VND (~8.72 USD)

Premium seating may be available at a higher cost. Additionally, tour packages that include the water puppet show may offer different pricing structures, so you may want to explore those options as well.

What to expect during the show ?

A show at the Thang Long Water Puppet Theater in Hanoi, Vietnam, is a unique and captivating experience. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Traditional Puppetry: The show features traditional Vietnamese water puppetry, which dates back to the 11th century. Puppeteers stand behind a screen and manipulate wooden puppets that appear to be moving on water.
  2. Live Music: Accompanying the puppetry is live traditional music performed on traditional instruments such as drums, flutes, and string instruments like the đàn bầu (monochord).
  3. Vietnamese Folklore and Legends: The performances often depict scenes from Vietnamese folklore, legends, and rural life. You may see stories of mythical creatures, daily village activities, or historical events.
  4. Colorful Visuals: The puppets are beautifully crafted and adorned with colorful costumes. The scenes are visually stunning, with elaborate sets and lighting effects.
  5. Humor and Drama: The shows often incorporate elements of humor, drama, and even satire, appealing to audiences of all ages.
  6. Cultural Insight: Attending a water puppet show provides a glimpse into Vietnam’s rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions.

Overall, a visit to the Thang Long Water Puppet Theater promises a delightful and culturally enriching experience for tourists and locals alike.


Are you planning a trip to Sapa ? You don’t know how many days you should spend in Sapa ? You are thinking to spend 3 days in Sapa and you are looking for the most suitable Sapa 3 days itinerary ?

Then, you are on the right page to find the answer to all your questions.

First of all, Sapa is located in the northern part of Vietnam. It takes around 6 hours to reach Sapa by bus (most of the people take the sleeping bus). This place is famous for its terrace ricefields and to see the highest mountain of Vietnam : The Fansipan mountain.

Then, Sapa is very nice place to visit in the summer time but because it is located in the mountainous area, you should check when is the most suitable time to go there. Indeed, in the winter, there is no rice in the ricefields and it can be very cold. You can check out the best time to visit Sapa by following this link : Best time to visit Sapa

Are 3 days in Sapa enough?

Many people will spend 2 days in Sapa but in fact, there are many things to see. Two days are not enough to see everything and it is not worth the 6 hours journey to reach Sapa when you come from Hanoi. That’s why, we recommend to spend 3 days in Sapa to enjoy the fresh weather and take your time to take photos at the different attractions around Sapa.

What can you see and do in Sapa during 3 days ?

The most popular attraction in Sapa is the Fansipan peak. You can reach the summit of Indochina (3,143 meters above sea level) by cable car. There is a train which brings you directly to the cable car station at the MGallery hotel in Sa Pa. It is the easiest way to reach the summit. After the 6km length cable car (the most extended three-line cable car system in the world), you need to walk to the summit with more than 500 steps.


The second popular attraction is Cat Cat village. This traditionnal village is a good destinations if you want to take beautiful photos and learn more about the local minorities of northern Vietnam without doing a long treck of few days. However, it is a very touristique place and sometimes crowded. This place lost its authenticity.

The third popular thing to do in Sapa is trekking in the Lao Chai – Ta Van valley. This valley is the most beautiful valley around Sapa town. It takes the whole day to discover the villages around the river. The view is very impressive when the ricefields are green or yellow from June to September.

Lao Chai Ta Van

In Sapa, it is also a good place to chill in a resort like : Topas Ecolodge. With its stunning view, comfortable bungalow and infinity swimming pool, you will surely enjoy your stay in Sapa. Note that the ecolodge is a bit far from the city and you should visit Sapa town before or after your stay at the Ecolodge.

The best Sapa 3 days itinerary

For a 3 days and 2 nights trip to Sapa, we recommend you the following itinerary :
Day 1 : Hanoi – Sapa – Cat Cat village trekking (B-L-D), overnight in Sapa
Day 2 : Fansipan by cable car – Glass bridge (B-L), overnight in Sapa
Day 3 : Lao Chai – Ta Van village – Hanoi (B-L), overnight in Hanoi

On the first day, you will take the limousine bus which is more comfortable than the sleeping bus and faster than the train. The price difference is worth the quality of the service. You will arrive for lunch in Sapa town. After lunch, take a short drive to reach the entrance of Cat Cat village.

On the second day, you can take ride by cable car to reach Fansipan peak. This visit will take you the whole morning. After lunch, in the afternoon, you will visit the Glass bridge located near Sapa to continue enjoying the stunning view on the mountains.

On the last day, we really recommend to do the famous trek of Lao Chai – Ta Van. This trek is not very hard to do. The roads are clean and easy. The trekking distance is around 6 km. After that, around 3pm, it will be time to take the limousine bus back to Hanoi.

How many days should I spend in Sapa ?

The ideal number of days to spend in Sapa depends on your preferences, interests, and the activities you plan to undertake. Sapa is a beautiful mountainous region in northern Vietnam known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant hill tribe cultures, and trekking opportunities. Here are some considerations:

  1. Trekking and Exploration: If you enjoy trekking and want to explore the picturesque rice terraces, ethnic minority villages, and the Fansipan mountain (the highest peak in Indochina), you might want to spend at least 2-3 days in Sapa.
  2. Cultural Experience: To immerse yourself in the local culture and interact with the ethnic communities, spending a few extra days could be beneficial. This allows you to participate in local activities, festivals, or simply spend more time getting to know the people.
  3. Relaxation: If you’re looking for a more relaxed experience and just want to enjoy the stunning scenery, a shorter stay of 1-2 days might be sufficient.
  4. Weather Considerations: Sapa can be quite misty and rainy, especially during the wet season (May to September). If you want to increase your chances of clear views and good weather, consider checking the weather forecast and planning your visit during the dry season.

In summary, a stay of 2-3 days is a common recommendation for most visitors to Sapa, but you can adjust based on your preferences and the activities you want to pursue. It’s always a good idea to check current travel conditions and weather forecasts before planning your trip.

We hope you enjoyed your stay in Sapa !

To book a tour for Sapa, please contact us by WhatsApp : +84.947.891.345

Are you looking to visit Vietnam ? You’ve got arranged to go to Hanoi for a 4 days and 3 nights trip ? You have got booked your flight tickets to reach Hanoi and you have got no thought of what to see in Hanoi and around the capital ? You’re searching for a appropriate Hanoi 4 days itinerary ?

Then you’re on the right page !

To begin with off all, 4 days in Northern Vietnam could be a sensible time, not as well long, not too brief to visit Hanoi and the foremost well known places around Hanoi.Hanoi 4 days itinerary

So what is the most suitable Hanoi 4 days itinerary ? What to do during 4 days in Hanoi, in this chaotic, colorful and scooter-infested 1.000-year-old city?

Our travel office is specialized in brief trips to Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh. We organize brief trips at sensible costYou’ve got distinctive choices depending on what you wish.

For a first trip to Vietnam, Hanoi would be the best destination because there are more things to see and to do in Northern Vietnam than in the other parts of Vietnam. That’s why Hanoi is the most popular destination for a short trip to Vietnam.

Hanoi 4 days itinerary

Hanoi 4 days / 3 nights itinerary for nature lovers

If you prefer to visit different places in a short time, this Hanoi 4 days itinerary will be more suitable for you and your group.

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi – Halong bay one day tour, overnight in Hanoi
Day 3 : Ninh Binh – Tam Coc – Mua Cave, overnight in Hanoi
Day 4 : Hanoi departure

On the second day, you can join the Halong Bay one day tour. You can easily visit Halong Bay during a day trip. Some tours propose you to visit Halong Bay in 4 hours or 6 hours depending on your budget.

On the 3rd day, you can visit Ninh Binh to enjoy natural landscape. Tam Coc is the place to be when you go to Ninh Binh province. Tam Coc allows you to go for a ride in the middle of the mountains and rice fields. This is the best known place for boating

Hanoi 4 days itinerary 3


Trang An is less known but just as beautiful. Trang An is a complex of buildings, rivers and mountains. The landscapes are more natural. The duration of the boat trip is also longer than Tam Coc since it can last up to 3 hours.

Bai Dinh is the largest pagoda in Vietnam. This destination is very popular with Asian tourists.

Hanoi 4 days / 3 nights itinerary for a romantic trip

Here is one of the most popular Hanoi 4 days / 3 nights itinerary :

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi – Halong bay, overnight on cruise
Day 3 : Halong bay – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 4 : Hanoi departure

After your arrival at Hanoi (Noi Bai) Airport, it will take around 1 hour to reach Hanoi city center by private car. Then you can visit the capital of Vietnam which has more than 1000 years of history.

The ideal is to choose a hotel in the old quarter of Hanoi that will allow you to be closer to all the shops and the restaurants.

After check-in hotel, you will be able to walk in the old quarter, then around the Hoan Kiem lake. Nothing better than a little stroll around the lake to relax. This place is always busy and is closed to traffic during weekends from 7am.

Hanoi 4 days itinerary

The next day you can take the bus to visit Halong Bay. Only a 2-hour drive away by the new highway. Halong Bay offers breathtaking views. Imagine thousands of islands all over the sea.

The ideal is to book a 2 day cruise and a night with a night aboard the boat. This allows you to enjoy the majestic sunset over the bay and the sunrise. It’s a show not to be missed!

Many activities are planned on board such as kayaking, visiting a cave or free time for swimming. Halong Bay is a good choice for a romantic and memorable trip. We recommend you to book at least a 4 star cruise to enjoy good food and a comfortable cabon.

Conclusion : Hanoi 4 days itinerary

Hanoi is a must-see destination if you want to visit Vietnam. This destination offers a total immersion in the culture of Vietnam. Around Hanoi are the most beautiful and popular landscapes of Vietnam with Halong Bay and Ninh Binh.

If you want more information about these Hanoi 4 days itineraries, feel free to leave a comment or send us a message by WhatsApp: +84.947.891.345

When you travel to Vietnam for the first time, most of the tourists arrive in Hanoi which is the capital of Vietnam and look after Hanoi local tours. Founded over 1000 years ago, Vietnam’s capital city is rich in history, with the streets of its rambling Old Quarter dating back to the 14th century.

However, today’s Hanoi is about much more than the past. The ancient city is being invigorated with modern cafes, world-class restaurants, and cool art galleries.

After visiting Hanoi, you will discover many different Hanoi Local tours or Day Tours. In Hanoi and around Hanoi are many places to visit. In this post, we will list the different locations you can visit with the highlights to choose a memorable Hanoi local tours.

1) Hanoi local city tour full day-must-see place after the airport !

Hanoi local tours 1

Hanoi Capital is located on the banks of the Red River with tranquil Hoan Kiem Lake at its heart, Hanoi is the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. North of the lake are the bustling streets of the Old Quarter, each street named after the trade that used to take place there. With the Hanoi city tour, you will visit the main monuments of Hanoi with a Local Guide; water puppets performance; visit Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum, One Pillar Pagoda, Ho Chi Minh Museum, Presidential Palace, and Temple of Literature.

2) Halong Bay Deluxe day trip (6 hours cruising)


Halong Bay is one of the most beautiful and famous place in Vietnam. Most of the people spend 2 days and 1 night in Halong Bay. If you have not enough time or budget to spend a night on cruising boat, you can visit Halong Bay with this Halong Bay Deluxe day trip.

Our limousine or shuttle bus will pick you up in Hanoi and bring you to Halong Bay by the highway. So, you will save a lot of time on the road.

Also, during this Halong Bay Deluxe day trip, you will spend about 5 to 6 hours in Halong Bay which is quite more than the most day trip in Halong Bay.

Highlights of the cruise schedule

  • Cruise 6 hours route – same way overnight trip
  • Go new high way, save 2 hours on bus
  • Enjoying lunch with Vietnamese dishes catered by our chef with hospitality
  • Passing Fighting Cock Islet to approach Titov Island for swimming and trekking to top of mountain then visit Sung Sot cave (one of the most beautiful dry cave in Halong Bay) to visit thousands of stalagmites and stalactites with different shapes from the bottom up to the cave ceiling
  • Stopping at the floating house to experience Kayaking (by yourself) or Bamboo boat (rowed by the local people) or just relaxing aboard

3) Hoa Lu – Tam Coc – one day tour

Tam Coc

Halong Bay On Land in Vietnam is a tourist destination including the World Natural and Cultural Heritage listed by UNESCO. This Heritage is located in Ninh Binh province in north of the country. Many monuments and landscapes have also been added by the Vietnamese government to the list of particularly important National Heritage, such as the destination of Tam Coc – Bich Dong, Bai Dinh Pagoda, the ancient capital of Hoa Lu, the eco – spiritual region of Trang An… belonging to the Halong Bay On Land.

Tour Highlights :

  • Small group tour with maximum personal experience .
  • High quality transfer service with latest morden A/C shuttle (Business-class D-car limousine or Luxury model of Ford Transit )
  • Home-lunch with local family to learn the village culture through their cuisine and daily activities.
  • Widen your knowledge of Vietnam history at King Dinh and King Le temple, the two great heroes of the nation who lived in the 10th century in Hoa Lu which was chosen as the first capital of Vietnam independent feudal kingdom.
  • Discover Tam Coc – the “Halong Bay on land” on sampan boat rowed by local people. Dropped yourself between the picturesque landscape of limestone mountain and rice field along the river.
  • Unique and unforgetable biking route passing through villages, ricefields and karst moutant on a high quality sport bikes.

4) Hanoi local tour : Sapa – Fansipan (2 days / 1 night by bus)

Hanoi local tours 3

The Sapa tour (2 days/ 1 night) is designed for travelers who want to spend 2 days – 1 night in Sapa aiming at: Saving the time, visit the most popular travel sites in Sapa (Cat Cat Village and Fansipan Legend), stay overnight in a good hotel to be comfortable, much lower cost than going by night train, especially you can enjoy the friendly services provided by Jacky Vietnam Travel.

Are you planning to visit Vietnam ? You have planned to go to Hanoi for a 5 days and 4 nights trip ? You have booked your flight tickets to reach Hanoi and you have no idea of what to see in Hanoi and around the capital ? You are looking for a suitable Hanoi 5 days itinerary ?

Then you’re on the right page !

First off all, 5 days in Northern Vietnam is a reasonable time, not too long, not too short to explore Hanoi and the most popular places around Hanoi.

So what is the most suitable Hanoi 5 days itinerary ? What to do during 5 days in Hanoi, in this chaotic, colorful and scooter-infested 1.000-year-old city?

Our travel agency is specialized in short trips to Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh. We arrange short trips at reasonable price. You have different choices depending on what are your interests. In Vietnam, you can enjoy amazing views and learn more about history. You can also do trekking and many other activities.

For a first trip to Vietnam, Hanoi would be the best destination because there are more things to see and to do in Northern Vietnam than in the other parts of Vietnam. That’s why Hanoi is the most popular destination for a short trip to Vietnam.

Hanoi 5 days itinerary

Hanoi 5 days / 4 nights itinerary for sightseeing lovers

Hanoi is a good destination for sightseeing lovers. Hanoi is a good choice if you like natural landscapes.

Here is the most popular Hanoi 5 days / 4 nights itinerary :

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi – Halong bay, overnight on cruise
Day 3 : Halong bay – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 4 : Ninh Binh full day trip, overnight in Hanoi
Day 5 : Hanoi departure

Upon arrival at Hanoi Airport, it will take between 45 minutes and 1 hour to reach downtown Hanoi. Then you can visit the capital of Vietnam which has more than 1000 years of history.

The ideal is to select a hotel in the old district of Hanoi that will allow you to be closer to the street restaurants and all the shops for shopping.

After check-in hotel, you will be able to walk in the old quarter also called district of the 36 guilds, then around the Hoan Kiem lake. Nothing better than a little stroll around the lake to relax. This place is always busy and is closed to traffic during weekends from 7am.

Next to the lake, you can visit St. Joseph’s Cathedral, the Hanoi Opera House or the famous train street.

The next day you can take the bus to visit Halong Bay. Only a 3-hour drive away, Halong Bay offers breathtaking views. Imagine thousands of islands all over the sea.

The ideal is to book a 2 day cruise and a night with a night aboard the boat. This allows you to enjoy the majestic sunset over the bay and the sunrise. It’s a show not to be missed!

Many activities are planned on board such as kayaking, visiting a cave or free time for swimming.

On the third day, different options are possible:

  • Either it is possible to go directly to Hanoi with the cruise bus
  • Either it is possible to go directly to Ninh Binh for one night in Bungalow (It takes about 4 hours to reach Tam Coc)

On the fourth day, you will visit Ninh Binh. This region is also called Halong Bay on Land. Thousands of rocks come out of the ground in the middle of the rice fields. This natural landscape is today known worldwide.

It is possible to visit different places of Ninh Binh during a group excursion. The most popular destinations are Hoa Lu and Tam Coc or Bai Dinh and Trang An.

Hoa Lu is the ancient capital of Vietnam. You can admire ancient temples.

Hoa Lu citadel

Tam Coc allows you to go for a ride in the middle of the mountains and rice fields. This is the best known place for boating

Hoa Lu Tam Coc tour

Trang An is less known but just as beautiful. Trang An is a complex of buildings, rivers and mountains. The landscapes are more natural. The duration of the boat trip is also longer than Tam Coc since it can last up to 3 hours.

Bai Dinh is the largest pagoda in Vietnam. This destination is very popular with Asian tourists.

Hanoi 5 days / 4 nights itinerary for city lovers

If you prefer to spend more time in Hanoi to visit historical monuments and for shopping. This Hanoi 5 days itinerary will be more suitable for you and your group.

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi city tour, overnight in Hanoi
Day 3 : Hanoi – Halong bay, overnight on cruise
Day 4 : Halong bay – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 5 : Hanoi departure

On the second day, you can join a group city tour or a private tour to visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum complex.

Hanoi 5 days itinerary : Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Just next door Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is Ho Chi Minh’s house on stilts and lying to one side of the Mausoleum is the One Pillar Pagoda, which was founded by King Ly Thai To in 1049 – the structure hasbecome an important symbol for the people of Hanoi.Litterature-temple-Hanoi

You can also visit the Temple of literature with nice typical vietnamese architecture.

Close to Hanoi, you can visit Bat Trang pottery village. It is a nice destination to buy some traditional potteries for some souvenirs.

Hanoi 5 days / 4 nights itinerary for hiking lovers

If you love hiking in the mountains or if you like to enjoy the fresh mountain air, you can include Sapa in your itinerary:

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi – Halong bay on day tour, overnight in Hanoi
Day 3 : Hanoi – Sapa, overnight in Sapa
Day 4 : Sapa Fansipan – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 5 : Hanoi departure

With this itinerary, you will spend a single day at Halong Bay. One day is enough to visit Halong Bay but with a 3h30 drive to reach the port from Hanoi, the time spent in Halong Bay is only 4 to 5 hours. It’s very short and quite tiring.

Also, you will not have the chance to see the sunrise and sunset in Halong Bay. The ideal is to stay one more day in Vietnam and spend 6 days in Vietnam to enjoy the cruise in Halong Bay.


Regarding Sapa, there are several possibilities to reach Sapa. You can take the night train that takes about 8 hours from Hanoi Station to Lao Cai Station. You will still have to drive 1 hour by minibus to reach Sapa. The total journey time is therefore about 9 hours. The train is the most expensive and the least comfortable solution because many people have trouble sleeping on the train because of the jolts.

It is also possible to reach Sapa by following the new highway in just 6 hours from Hanoi. Our travel agency offers the sleeper bus or the limousine (more comfortable) to get to Sapa. The sleeper bus is the fastest and least expensive solution.

Around Sapa, you will not have to miss the Cat Cat village where you can learn more about the ethnic minorities living around the city of Sapa.

Hanoi 5 days itinerary : Fansipan

After a night in Sapa, you will climb to the top of Mount Fansipan, which is the highest peak of Indochina (3143 m). The cable car goes up to Mount Fansipan. Then you have to climb about 500 steps to get to the top.

Note that in winter, Mount Fansipan is often fog. The best time to visit Sapa is from May to September. At this time, you will be more likely to have sunny weather.

Conclusion : Hanoi 5 days itinerary

Hanoi is a must-see destination if you want to visit Vietnam. This destination offers a total immersion in the culture of Vietnam. Around Hanoi are the most beautiful and popular landscapes of Vietnam with Halong Bay, Ninh Binh and Sapa.

If you want more information about these Hanoi 5 days itineraries, feel free to leave a comment or send us a message by WhatsApp: +84.947.891.345

Are you planning to visit Vietnam ? You have planned to go to Hanoi for a 6 days and 5 nights trip ? You have booked your flight tickets to reach Hanoi and you have no idea of what to see in Hanoi and around the capital ? You are looking for a suitable Hanoi 6 days itinerary ?

Then you’re on the right page !

First off all, 6 days itinerary in Northern Vietnam is a reasonable time, not too long, not too short to explore Hanoi and the most popular places around Hanoi.

So what is the most suitable Hanoi 6 days itinerary ? What to do during 6 days in Hanoi, in this chaotic, colorful and scooter-infested 1.000-year-old city?

Our travel agency is specialized in short trips to Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh. We arrange short trips at reasonable price. You have different choices depending on what are your interests. In Vietnam, you can enjoy amazing views and learn more about history. You can also do trekking and many other activities.

For a first trip to Vietnam, Hanoi would be the best destination because there are more things to see and to do in Northern Vietnam than in the other parts of Vietnam. That’s why Hanoi is the most popular destination for a short trip to Vietnam.

Hanoi 6 days itinerary

Hanoi 6 days / 5 nights itinerary for sightseeing lovers

Hanoi is a good destination for sightseeing lovers and to take a rest. Hanoi is a good choice if you like natural landscapes.

Here is the most popular Hanoi 6 days / 4 nights itinerary :

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi – Halong bay, overnight on cruise
Day 3 : Halong bay – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 4 : Ninh Binh full day trip, overnight in Tam Coc
Day 5 : Ninh Binh – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 6 : Hanoi departure

Upon arrival at Hanoi Airport, it will take between 45 minutes and 1 hour to reach downtown Hanoi. Then you can visit the capital of Vietnam which has more than 1000 years of history.

The ideal is to select a hotel in the old district of Hanoi that will allow you to be closer to the street restaurants and all the shops for shopping.

After check-in hotel, you will be able to walk in the old quarter also called district of the 36 guilds, then around the Hoan Kiem lake. Nothing better than a little stroll around the lake to relax. This place is always busy and is closed to traffic during weekends from 7am.

Next to the lake, you can visit St. Joseph’s Cathedral, the Hanoi Opera House or the famous train street.

The next day you can take the bus to visit Halong Bay. Only a 3-hour drive away, Halong Bay offers breathtaking views. Imagine thousands of islands all over the sea.

The ideal is to book a 2 day cruise and a night with a night aboard the boat. This allows you to enjoy the majestic sunset over the bay and the sunrise. It’s a show not to be missed!

Many activities are planned on board such as kayaking, visiting a cave or free time for swimming.

On the third day, different options are possible:

  • Either it is possible to go directly to Hanoi with the cruise bus
  • Either it is possible to go directly to Ninh Binh for one night in Bungalow (It takes about 4 hours to reach Tam Coc)

On the fourth day, you will visit Ninh Binh. This region is also called Halong Bay on Land. Thousands of rocks come out of the ground in the middle of the rice fields. This natural landscape is today known worldwide.

It is possible to visit different places of Ninh Binh during a group excursion. The most popular destinations are Hoa Lu and Tam Coc or Bai Dinh and Trang An.

Hoa Lu is the ancient capital of Vietnam. You can admire ancient temples.

Hoa Lu citadel

Tam Coc allows you to go for a ride in the middle of the mountains and rice fields. This is the best known place for boating

Hoa Lu Tam Coc tour

Trang An is less known but just as beautiful. Trang An is a complex of buildings, rivers and mountains. The landscapes are more natural. The duration of the boat trip is also longer than Tam Coc since it can last up to 3 hours.

Bai Dinh is the largest pagoda in Vietnam. This destination is very popular with Asian tourists.

Hanoi 6 days / 5 nights itinerary for city lovers

If you prefer to spend more time in Hanoi to visit historical monuments and for shopping. This Hanoi 6 days itinerary will be more suitable for you and your group.

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi city tour, overnight in Hanoi
Day 3 : Hanoi – Halong bay, overnight on cruise
Day 4 : Halong bay – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 5 : Ninh Binh one day trip, overnight in Hanoi
Day 6 : Hanoi departure

On the second day, you can join a group city tour or a private tour to visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum complex.

Hanoi 5 days itinerary : Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Just next door Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is Ho Chi Minh’s house on stilts and lying to one side of the Mausoleum is the One Pillar Pagoda, which was founded by King Ly Thai To in 1049 – the structure hasbecome an important symbol for the people of Hanoi.Litterature-temple-Hanoi

You can also visit the Temple of literature with nice typical vietnamese architecture.

Close to Hanoi, you can visit Bat Trang pottery village. It is a nice destination to buy some traditional potteries for some souvenirs.

Hanoi 6 days / 5 nights itinerary for hiking lovers

If you love hiking in the mountains or if you like to enjoy the fresh mountain air, you can include Sapa in your itinerary:

Day 1 : Hanoi arrival, overnight in Hanoi
Day 2 : Hanoi – Halong bay, overnight on cruise
Day 3 : Halong bay – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 4 : Hanoi – Sapa, overnight in Sapa
Day 5 : Sapa Fansipan – Hanoi, overnight in Hanoi
Day 6 : Hanoi departure

Regarding Sapa, there are several possibilities to reach Sapa. You can take the night train that takes about 8 hours from Hanoi Station to Lao Cai Station. You will still have to drive 1 hour by minibus to reach Sapa. The total journey time is therefore about 9 hours. The train is the most expensive and the least comfortable solution because many people have trouble sleeping on the train because of the jolts.

It is also possible to reach Sapa by following the new highway in just 6 hours from Hanoi. Our travel agency offers the sleeper bus or the limousine (more comfortable) to get to Sapa. The sleeper bus is the fastest and least expensive solution.

Around Sapa, you will not have to miss the Cat Cat village where you can learn more about the ethnic minorities living around the city of Sapa.

Hanoi 6 days itinerary


After a night in Sapa, you will climb to the top of Mount Fansipan, which is the highest peak of Indochina (3143 m). The cable car goes up to Mount Fansipan. Then you have to climb about 500 steps to get to the top.

Note that in winter, Mount Fansipan is often fog. The best time to visit Sapa is from May to September. At this time, you will be more likely to have sunny weather.

Conclusion : Hanoi 6 days itinerary

Hanoi is a must-see destination if you want to visit Vietnam. This destination offers a total immersion in the culture of Vietnam. Around Hanoi are the most beautiful and popular landscapes of Vietnam with Halong Bay, Ninh Binh and Sapa.

If you want more information about these Hanoi 6 days itineraries, feel free to leave a comment or send us a message by WhatsApp: +84.947.891.345